Tolleson Wealth Management’s Reverse Mentor Program Provides a Change in Mentorship Culture

Next year, millennials will account for 36% of the United States workplace and by 2025, millennials will account for 75% of the global workplace[1]. Tolleson Wealth Management employees recognized that it is important to build a business that serves the needs of next-generation clients, while also enhancing the skills of future leaders at the firm. This recognition led to the implementation of a reverse mentor program, giving millennials the opportunity to mentor senior executives at the firm.
Courtney Joyner, Senior Analyst on the Client Advisory Team and Austin Reynolds, Manager of Investments, have co-piloted the creation of this program with the help of the firm’s executive team. Seven millennials were paired with senior executives at the firm and will spend six months together, meeting at least once a month. They also meet as a group to regularly discuss themes, share ideas and provide support for other relationships. The goal of the mentor role is to provide effective coaching by strong listening. The goal of the mentee role is active learning and to take advantage of the opportunity to gain insight from talented millennials at the firm.
The vision for this program is to create a sustainable partnership between senior leaders and millennials to shape the direction of Tolleson Wealth Management for continued success. “We hope for positive growth within the company through LEVEL Reverse Mentor Program and any initiatives that are enhanced through the conversations amongst the mentor and mentee groups,” said Joyner.
Pictured: Mentor Shannon Listorti, Communications and Marketing Manager, with Mentee Tracie Klein, Chief Financial Officer. Participants received their pairings with a personalized soda bottle to kick off the program.
[1] Debra Donston-Miller, Forbes